Our Services

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Development of HR Policies & Employment Contracts

With a dedicated team of human resource professionals, we draft staff policies, and handbooks that are tailor-made to suit specific industry requirements and compliance.

Steps we shall take:

  • Needs Assessment: We’ll work with you to understand your company’s size, industry, and specific needs.
  • Compliance Review: Our team will ensure your manual aligns with Kenyan labor laws like the Employment Act, 2007, and other relevant regulations.
  • Policy Development: Together, we’ll craft clear and concise policies covering various HR areas such as:
  • Recruitment and Onboarding
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Leave Management
  • Performance Management
  • Disciplinary Action
  • Termination of Employment
  • Training and Development
  • Grievance Procedures (Resolving workplace disputes)
  • Anti-discrimination and Harassment Policies
  • Data Privacy (adhering to Kenyan data protection laws)


Benefits of an HR Policy Manual:

  • Clarity and Consistency: A well-defined manual ensures everyone in your company, including managers and employees, understands their rights and responsibilities.
  • Improved Employee Relations: Clear policies foster trust and transparency, leading to a more positive and productive work environment.
  • Reduced Legal Risks: A compliant policy manual helps minimize the risk of legal disputes and penalties associated with employee relations.
  • Enhanced Employer Branding: A strong HR policy showcases your commitment to a fair and ethical workplace, attracting and retaining top talent.


Drafting an Employment Contract:

We start by getting to know your business and its specific needs. This might involve discussions about the types of positions you typically hire for, company culture, and any unique aspects of your employment relationship. Our team of legal and HR professionals will draft customized employment contracts specific to your company and each position. We’ll ensure the contracts comply with Kenyan labor laws, including the Employment Act, 2007.

Benefits of Using Our Service:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your contracts are legally compliant and protect your company’s interests.
  • Reduced Risk: Well-drafted contracts will help mitigate legal risks associated with employment relationships.
  • Standardized Process: Ensure consistency across all your employment contracts.
  • Time Efficiency: Save valuable time and resources by having us handle the contract drafting process.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of our legal and HR professionals with experience in Kenyan employment law.

By emphasizing the importance of well-drafted employment contracts, the benefits of your service, and your legal expertise, you will effectively position yourself as a valuable resource for businesses seeking to streamline their HR processes and ensure compliance with Kenyan labor laws.

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