
Feb 26, 24

Sexual Harassment At The Workplace

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual behavior that makes someone feel uncomfortable, offended, or unsafe. It can be verbal, nonverbal, physical, or visual, and it can happen in a variety of settings, including the workplace, school, home, public places, and online.

Legal Alerts

Feb 26, 24

Sexual Harassment At The Workplace

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual behavior that makes someone feel uncomfortable, offended, or unsafe. It can be verbal, nonverbal, physical, or visual, and it can happen in a variety of settings, including the workplace, school, home, public places, and online.


Most frequent questions and answers

HR-Fleek Club is a 24/7 online membership club where members subscribe to access various HR services at an affordable cost.

HR-Fleek Club membership is open to all types of business for example, Small, Micro and Medium size enterprises, Charities, Not-for-Profit Organizations, big corporates and Professional Service Firms.

The minimum subscription period is 12 months. You can opt to pay the subscriptions on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually basis. Members discounts apply for bi-annual and annual payment options.


If you sign up for a 3 or 5 years’ membership plan, you will receive a membership discount.

Booking a consultation with our HR expert is simply done through our portal. One of our consultants will call you at the selected time.

You can book for a consultation either on phone or video call. If you would prefer a face-to-face consultation, please contact our team and we would be schedule one.

Club Membership entitles you to a bundle of standard HR documents and other resources that you need for the usual HR needs for your business, for example, employee’s engagement letter, employment contracts, Employee Policies and Procedures, employee’s termination letter.

Knowledge Hub